
Asitex Colombia

Tienda, Textiles, Servicios, Prendas y Paquete Completo

Misión, visión, categoría telas

Top-quality textile products
Top-quality textile products
Top-quality textile products
Top-quality textile products
Top-quality textile products



Producimos una gran variedad de telas en tejido plano como de punto y cumplimos con los más altos estándares de calidad. Trabajamos nuestros productos sobre pedido, manejando cargas de teñido de 200 Kg. Para productos especializados, desarrollamos productos en un rango de 2 semanas. Mantenemos stock de algunas referencias y brindamos información de manera personalizada.



We are a competitive company that offer the best quality in textiles, with environmental responsibility for the impacts generated by its different processes.

We continually improve to make efficient use of natural resources, adopting strategies that prevent, reduce, and control the negative impacts on the environment. We comply with environmental regulations and generate new ideas that frame the use of raw materials and eco-efficiency processes.



Somos una empresa textil con más de 40 años de experiencia, reconocida como una de las empresas con más alto desarrollo en el medio. Contamos con tres líneas de negocio: servicios de tejeduría, tintorería y acabados, fabricación y comercialización de textiles en tejido de punto y elaboración de prendas en paquete completo.




1975:  Comienza el sueño de Isaac Aguía Garty, dueño de Irotex, fábrica de tejido de punto. Nace como una necesidad de la falta de tintorerías en Bogotá, asociándose con la empresa Suavipunto para el servicio de tintorería.

Década de los 80 Se empieza a prestar el servicio de tintorería y acabado a terceros, aprovechando la capacidad y experiencia adquirida durante sus primeros años de operación.

Década de los 90 Se integra la función de tejido de punto, el proceso integrado de tejido teñido y acabado.

2000 a 2010 Se consolida la línea de negocio de fabricación y comercialización de textiles en tejido de punto.

2010 y actualidad Se afianza la línea de negocio de elaboración de prendas en paquete completo. Asitex entra en mercado internacional y realiza las primeras exportaciones.




Somos una empresa textil con más de 40 años de experiencia, reconocida como una de las empresas con más alto desarrollo en el medio. Contamos con tres líneas de negocio: servicios de tejeduría, tintorería y acabados, fabricación y comercialización de textiles en tejido de punto y elaboración de prendas en paquete completo.

Asitex está posicionada como empresa textil vertical, capaz de cumplir de manera ágil, confiable y flexible a nuestros clientes nacionales e internacionales. Contamos con tecnología de vanguardia en todas nuestras plantas de producción, con herramientas de desarrollo de productos, análisis de laboratorio para garantizar los más altos niveles de calidad en todos nuestros productos y servicios. Estamos a la vanguardia en temas de sostenibilidad ambiental y responsabilidad social, contamos contamos con capital humano capacitado para cumplir las exigencias del mercado textil global.

de la empresa

de la empresa

En Asitex trabajamos continuamente en la evolución y mejora del negocio fundamentados en los siguientes objetivos:

  • Cumplimiento de los más altos estándares en todas  nuestras líneas de productos y servicios que nos permiten competir en cualquier mercado.
  • Investigación y desarrollo habitual de nuevos procesos y productos que nos permiten  estar a la vanguardia del mercado textil.
  • Alta flexibilidad e Innovación para atender diversos mercados en el sector textil  a nivel nacional e internacional.
  • Mejora en todos nuestros procesos apoyados en un capital humano con frecuente formación.
  • Cumplimiento de todas las normas legales vigentes en términos de sostenibilidad ambiental y responsabilidad social.
  • Consolidación continua de proveedores certificados y con alto reconocimiento mundial.



Privacy Policy

ASITEX S.A. DRY CLEANER in compliance with the rules of the “Habeas Data” law in the Colombian territory and according to the law 1581 of 2012 and the regulatory decree 1377 of 2013 and other rules that modify, add or complement them (the “Applicable Rules”), requires from its customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders, contractors and in general from any natural person, its authorization to freely The data provided by you or collected in the development of the social object of the company, which have been incorporated in the different databases of TINTORERÍA ASITEX S., will be collected, stored, used, circulated, suppressed, processed, compiled, exchanged, updated, treated and disposed of previously, expressly, voluntarily and informed. A. who will be responsible for the processing of your data.


  • Authorization: Prior, express and informed consent of the Owner to carry out the processing of personal data;
  • DataBase: An organized group of data that is the object of processing.
  • Personal Data: Any information linked or that can be associated with one or more natural persons;
  • Data processor: Any natural or legal person, public or private, who by himself or in association with others, carries out the processing of personal data on behalf of the Data Controller.
  • Holder: Natural person: customers, consumers, employees, former employees, suppliers, among others, whose personal data are subject to processing.
  • Transfer: activity in which the person responsible and/or in charge of the processing of personal data, located in Colombia, sends the information or personal data to a recipient, who in turn is responsible for the processing and is inside or outside the country.
  • Transmission: processing of Personal Data that implies the communication of the same within or outside the territory of the Republic of Colombia when it has as its purpose the performance of a Processing by the Controller on behalf of the Responsible.
  • Processing: Any operation or set of operations on personal data, such as collection, storage, use, circulation, transfer, or deletion.

Processing Policy

The personal data will be used by the purpose for which they were supplied in the exercise of the company’s corporate purpose and specifically for:

  • To comply with commercial, labor, contractual, and derived obligations.
  • To provide our products and/or services.
  • To enter into agreements with third parties who will collaborate with the Company for the fulfilment of its functions and which is necessary for the fulfilment of the purpose of the contractual object entered into between Asitex and the recipient of the present, provided that such information is not used for the conclusion of other businesses with third parties.
  • To comply with legal obligations to provide information to administrative and control bodies and for statistical purposes.
  • To carry out the consultation and report of the obligations to the risk centres regarding the credit, financial, commercial and service behaviour of the recipient, given that, for this purpose, it is necessary to know the financial capacity of the recipient to approve the corresponding negotiations of prices, credit lines, financing and guarantee of the obligations contracted. Any other that in the development of the commercial and contractual relationship originates.
  • To carry out marketing, promotion and/or advertising activities, market research, either our own or that of third parties, through various suitable means such as invoices, emails, text messages (SMS) and telephone communications, actions which are limited to the commercial business concluded between Asitex and the recipient of this policy, within the framework of the contractual agreement and with the sole purpose of improving the conditions of the business to be concluded.
  • To attend and manage the requests and/or requirements made by customers, suppliers, authorities, and/or third parties, in general, that may be interested in the conclusion of the legal business. Under any circumstances, it is forbidden to process sensitive data, i.e. those data that affect the privacy of the Data Subject or whose improper use could generate discrimination (i.e. those that reveal the racial or ethnic origin, political orientation, religious or philosophical beliefs, membership of trade unions, social organizations, human rights or that promote the interests of any political party or that guarantee the rights and guarantees of political opposition parties, as well as data relating to health, sex life, and biometric data.
  • To comply with legal obligations to provide information to administrative and control bodies and for statistical purposes.
  • To consult and report on the obligations to the risk centres regarding the credit, financial, commercial and service behaviour of the recipient, given that, for this purpose, it is necessary to know the financial capacity of the recipient to approve the corresponding negotiations of prices, credit lines, financing and guarantee of the obligations contracted. Any other that in the development of the commercial and contractual relationship originates.
  • To carry out marketing, promotion and/or advertising activities, market research, either our own or that of third parties, through various suitable means such as invoices, emails, text messages (SMS) and telephone communications, actions which are limited to the commercial business concluded between Asitex and the recipient of this policy, within the framework of the contractual agreement and with the sole purpose of improving the conditions of the business to be concluded.
  • To attend and manage the requests and/or requirements made by customers, suppliers, authorities, and/or third parties, in general, that may be interested in the conclusion of the legal business. Under any circumstances, it is forbidden to process sensitive data, i.e. those data that affect the privacy of the Data Subject or whose improper use may generate discrimination (i.e. those that reveal the racial or ethnic origin, political orientation, religious or philosophical beliefs, membership of trade unions, social organizations, human rights or that promote the interests of any political party or that guarantee the rights and guarantees of political opposition parties, as well as data relating to health, sex life, and biometric data). Likewise, the processing of Personal Data of children and adolescents without the authorization of the parents or representatives of the minors is prohibited.

Rights of Data Subjects[1]

The holder of the personal data shall have the following rights:

To know, update and rectify his/her data before the Data Processors or Persons in Charge of the Processing

Requesting proof of the authorization granted to the Controller, except where expressly exempted as a requirement for processing, by the provisions of Article 10 of Law 1581 of 2012

To be informed, on request, about the use you have made of your data;

To submit to the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce complaints about violations to the provisions of the aforementioned law and other regulations that modify, add, or complement it.

Revoke the authorization and/or request the deletion of the data when the processing does not respect the principles, rights, and constitutional and legal guarantees. The revocation of the authorization or deletion of the data is not appropriate when the Data Subject has a legal or contractual duty to remain in the database.

Access free of charge to your data that has been subject to Processing following the provisions of Article 21 of Decree 1377 of 2013.

To exercise these rights, know the policy of personal data processing, as well as substantial changes that occur in it, will be available to the media available for this purpose, Email contabilidad@asitex.com.co or send communication to the address: Carrera 63 # 18A – 43 Bogota D.C.

The exercise of the rights of the Owners may be carried out at any time. To consult their Personal Data, they will be provided free of charge, under the terms of Decree 1377 of 2013.

To expressly authorize the processing of your data or update your information, we invite you to fill out the form attached to this communication and send it to the company’s e-mail or by physical mail to our address in the city of Bogota.

As of the date, the holder of the information has thirty (30) working days to request the deletion of their data in the terms of Decree 1377 of 2013, otherwise, TINTORERÍA ASITEX S.A. will continue processing the personal data contained in its databases. Once the period indicated above has expired, it will be understood that the authorization for the use of your data continues to be granted; therefore you will be able to carry out any treatment on the data provided in the development of the purpose for which they were provided.

Last updated July 9, 2020 [1] Article 8, Law 1518 of 2012.



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